“The quantity and quality of innovations coming out of the fresh produce industry are setting the pace for innovations right across the agriculture sector in Australia and New Zealand. UPL is proud to sponsor the 2020 PMA A-NZ Tech Innovation Award and celebrate the success of Disruptive Packaging and their Uniqcor product in the award’s inaugural year” said Ian Cass, Marketing and Business Development Manager at UPL.
Over the last 4 years, Disruptive Packaging has developed an innovative compound that is changing the way the industry packages fresh produce. Made from 70% of natural earth materials, Uniqcor can be used multiple times in the value chain and recycled with high yield and can be utilised for a range of purposes across the supply chain including replacing crates, cartons, pallets, corner angles and even produce bins. Uniqcor is currently being used as a direct replacement for waxed cartons and polystyrene and cardboard in many applications. Whilst currently deployed in the produce industry for grapes, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, corn and beans, the product is currently undergoing commercial trials for a wide range of other commodities.
PMA A-NZ Tech Innovation Award judges, including Ian Cass, felt the initiative addressed a number of challenges to packaging throughout the fresh produce supply chain, offering a sustainable solution that is set to revolutionise the industry. The initiative’s ability to maintain structural and temperature integrity in a cold chain environment was also well regarded, as was its ability to be used across a range of commodities and ultimately address the growing concern of food and packaging waste. Disruptive Packaging’s initiative was chosen from a strong field of five finalists for the Technology & Innovation Award. The four other finalists were:
Manbulloo’s Scott Ledger, for his innovative use of temperature monitoring and data platforms in mango supply chains, nominated by Peter Hofman and Andrew Macnish (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)
Mitch Pursehouse and the J-Tech Systems packaging team for their Flowfresh product, nominated by Michael Williams (J-Tech Systems)
HarvestMark-Trimble (now iFood Decision Sciences) and Woolworths for their collaboration in reducing food waste, nominated by Jacqui Payne (Foodbank Australia)
Batlow Fruit Company for their Happles product, nominated by John Power (Batlow Fruit Company)
Congratulations again to all the finalists and the team from Disruptive Packaging for taking out the award for 2020!